A Life in Progress
Fictional worlds can teach us so much about the one we live in. The experiences you bring back from the escape are what give stories their value. That's why you read, and that's why I read – and write.
My author career began with a twisted fairytale retelling about the unknown 8th dwarf which turned into a trilogy of such tales. Over the years I've received book awards and industry recognition for which I'm very grateful. I'm currently working on a business plan for an educational company that uses the fairytale trilogy, TaleSpins, as middle-school curriculum to teach things like empathy and anti-bullying.
After taking time away from fiction, I've returned to the craft with a psychological thriller titled Gothic Revival. Released in March, 2023, the story is set in modern day but is inspired by the iconic true story about the creation of Frankenstein.
Over the years I've written marketing materials for the merch divisions of Disney, DreamWorks, 20th Century Fox, and Universal, but I gave all that up because I was tired of selling people junk that was just going to end up in a landfill. Before I was a writer, I was a preschool teacher and college professor, two positions I found disconcertingly similar.
I live in Pasadena, CA with my wonderful wife Dani and our ridiculously cool dog Finn. Our twins, Sophie and Max (pictured here in kindergarten) have graduated college. I couldn’t be more proud and amazed. Even though I've been in California since 1996, all my sports allegiances remain in my native New England.

My coolest family legend by far is that my father, Dr. Robert Mullin (in the shades above) was the navy doctor who gave John Glenn his post-orbital checkup aboard the U.S.S. Noa on February 20, 1962.
8 Things About Which I'm Pretty Geeky